Here are the results from last month’s poll – Are You Debt Free?
Number of votes – 590
57% of voters are ‘working on it’. If you add both “yes” categories together, 40% of voters are either debt free with a mortgage, or debt free without a mortgage! Awesome. (3% of voters are not focused on debt reduction…)
I also asked folks to share their stories – click here to read about their awesome progress!
I have decided to leave this poll up for another month, so please click over and vote!
My husband and I are still very much in debt. We have 4 children, 2 new cars, (2007 hyundais) a house and a lot of credit card debt. We’ve been married 24 years and just never thought of saving for anything. We were always able to have whatever we wanted. We’ve been using cash/debit cards only for about 2 months and have an emergency fund of $1049. I’ll be 45 on Tuesday and have finally decided that I won’t be working forever, so I’d better straighten our finances out. We’ve wasted a lot of time, and I hope my resolve will last.