Today, I’ll be taking some time to backup my financial files.
First, I’ll organize my ‘personal finance’ folder on my computer.
Second, I’ll visit my online accounts and download available account histories.
Third, I’ll update my Inventory of Financial Accounts.
Fourth, I’ll print our three copies of the Inventory, storing one at home, one at work, and one with a trusted friend.
Fifth, I’ll backup important files to a USB hard drive.
I go through this process, once a quarter.
By the way – I’ve recorded and released a new episode of the No Credit Needed Podcast.
“one with a trusted friend”
I don’t think I have anybody I trust that much.
With Quicken and a ,mac account my info is automatically backed up. A financial inventory: great idea! I periodically send a backup of passwords, etc. and a copy of our will/trust to my older brother, who lives in another state. Should we have a disaster locally, I wanted someone to have access from another geographic location. Don’t know if he appreciates it, but good news is he really doesn’t care about the details of our financial state, so he’s not going to snoop.