
Continuing To Make Changes Plus A Stroll Through My Blogroll

Last week, I announced the creation of my newest website – 99 Changes.  Well, I’m proud to say that I have made – and tracked – 3 changes.  Click here to read about my progress and see how I’m doing.  (Oh yeah, I want to thank all of you who checked out the new site.  You guys rock!)

As many of you know, No Credit Needed is a member of the Money Blog Network.  My fellow members are some of the hardest working writers in the business – and I’m proud to share links to their awesome content with my readers.  If you visit one of their sites, let them know that NCN sent you!

JLP sorts through his spending and comes up with how he could save $13,000 a year.

In response, Flexo comes up with how he could save $10,000 a year.

Nickel has several tips for getting rid of ants – inexpensively.

FMF writes about growing your own food – Is it worth it or not?

JD guards against the invasion of stuff – all the things that clutter our homes and lives.

MBH wonders if you notice when others are being frugal.  I do!

Linsey has suggestions for what to do when you miss the big sale.

Not only am I a member of the Money Blog Network, I’m also a member of the awesome personal finance blogging community.  Each personal finance blogger has his or her own story to share.  Here are a few that caught my eye over the past few days.  (By the way, for the definitive list of personal finance bloggers, checkout – the world’s greatest aggregator of financial websites.)

Lazy celebrates two years of blogging about money!

SVB has ideas for a low-maintenance yard.  I have an idea – move to Georgia where it never rains!

Jeremy reminds us that low stock prices can be good – for folks of a certain age.

Sun has a great post about what you need to know when opening an IRA.

Money Smart has ideas for what to give the College Grads in your life.

Million Dollar Journey compares the Hybrid and the Gasoline Vehicle.

David, loves him some Freecycle.

Jim reviews Tradeking, an online discount broker.  I use them for my Roth IRA.

Blunt Money reminds us that some habits can be good habits – like frugality.

Paid Twice reminds us that there is an ebb and flow when it comes to reducing debt.

Many personal finance bloggers participate in blog carnivals – collections of articles that travel from site to site and focus on specific topics.  This week, I have articles featured in the –

Festival of Frugality over at MoneyNing.

Carnival of Debt Reduction over at Moolanomy.

Carnival of Personal Finance over at PTMoney.

2 thoughts on “Continuing To Make Changes Plus A Stroll Through My Blogroll

  1. Great blog. I’m just getting into looking after my finances myself (so sick of being broke) Check out my efforts. I’ve only just started so any suggestions/tips would be much appreciated! =)

  2. Congrats on continued success with 99 Changes. Thanks for linking back to the carnival of personal finance 156.

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