The other night, as I was flipping through channels, I stumbled upon this segment from ESPN’s E:60. Take 15 minutes out of your busy day and watch this video. I promise you: You will be very, very glad that you did.
DJ Gregory’s story really inspires me. It’s amazing what can be accomplished through determination and hard work. Each time you find yourself struggling to reduce your debts, remember this video – and walk on! DJ, you rock!
Enjoyed this on my lunch hour – very inspirational. He probably can beat me at golf also. Thanks for the video (very high quality BTW).
This is very inspiring and worth watching. Thank you for sharing this.
That was incredibly beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes to see someone do that much.
Wow, great find. The end is definitely inspiring and a bit of a tear jerker. It does put things into perspective.
What an inspiration he is. Truly an amazing individual and he inspiires me to shoot for my dreams, financially and personally.