
Where Can I Read The 2009 Stimulus Bill?

A friend recently asked me if I knew where she could read the 2009 Stimulus Bill – also known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – or H.R. 1.

After a little searching of one of my favorite sites, OpenCongress, I was able to locate the full text version of the bill.

I will warn you, reading then entire bill might take some time.  According to my computer, when I select print preview, the bill is more than 450 pages long.  I do not have enough ink in my printer to print out a 450 page document, nor do I have the inclination to keep a hard-copy record of this behemoth in my house.

It will be very interesting, over the course of the next several years, to observe the long-term impact of this single, mammoth bill.  Personally, I would like to see our country move in a different direction, towards a smaller, much more efficient government, but that ship, at least for the time being, has sailed.

4 thoughts on “Where Can I Read The 2009 Stimulus Bill?

  1. “Personally, I would like to see our country move in a different direction, towards a smaller, much more efficient government”

    I could not agree more!

    “but that ship, at least for the time being, has sailed”

    so sadly true

  2. You can also find the text of the bill on the THOMAS site (maintained by the Library of Congress, and named after Thomas Jefferson.

    There’s a link to HR1 (the Spendulous Bill, also called H1) on the home page. Or go directly here.

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