A friend recently asked me if I knew where she could read the 2009 Stimulus Bill – also known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – or H.R. 1.
After a little searching of one of my favorite sites, OpenCongress, I was able to locate the full text version of the bill.
I will warn you, reading then entire bill might take some time. According to my computer, when I select print preview, the bill is more than 450 pages long. I do not have enough ink in my printer to print out a 450 page document, nor do I have the inclination to keep a hard-copy record of this behemoth in my house.
It will be very interesting, over the course of the next several years, to observe the long-term impact of this single, mammoth bill. Personally, I would like to see our country move in a different direction, towards a smaller, much more efficient government, but that ship, at least for the time being, has sailed.
“Personally, I would like to see our country move in a different direction, towards a smaller, much more efficient government”
I could not agree more!
“but that ship, at least for the time being, has sailed”
so sadly true
That ship sailed at least 8 years ago: http://www.independent.org/newsroom/news_detail.asp?newsID=31
Don’t you wish we could go back to the days of Hammurabi with the pithy 10 sentence laws?
Actually, made me think of this comic:
I wonder if anyone has read it front to cover -___-
You can also find the text of the bill on the THOMAS site (maintained by the Library of Congress, and named after Thomas Jefferson.
There’s a link to HR1 (the Spendulous Bill, also called H1) on the home page. Or go directly here.