
Worried That You Might Lose Your Savings Deposits?

The FDIC has a new website – MyFDICInsurance.Gov – where you can check to see if your savings and checking deposits are fully insured.  They also have some public service ads – starring Suze Orman and FDIC chairman, Shelia Bair, explaining FDIC insurance and how the new site works.  Or, you can just skip the landing page and visit the main site, where you can enter the names of the financial institutions with which you do business, a few details about your current balances, and the types of accounts you have.  The site will tell you what types of accounts are insured, and how much of your money is covered.

6 thoughts on “Worried That You Might Lose Your Savings Deposits?

  1. Of course we will all lose our deposits. That’s going to happen folks. The FDIC does not have enough money to cover the deposits, if a WaMu collapses. They will turn to Congress and the Fed for credit, which will lead to inflation. But none of that will prevent a run on banks. Expect a freeze on deposit accounts shortly after a WaMu collapses.

    I’m not being chicken little here, but too few people want to look at the cold hard facts. The FDIC is an insurance scheme that’s big flaw is a systemic financial panic. Everyone trying to claim money for withdrawal when only a fraction of it is in reserves to actually cover withdrawals.

    Do you think the companies that insure against hurricanes could withstand a crisis where literally every holder of their policies was bringing a claim?

    More people have to wake up and realize that there is something truly bizarre about “on demand” deposit accounts (i.e., accounts where you and I are supposed to be able to demand our money back at any point in time) and financial institutions using fractional reserve banking (i.e., only a small part of the on demand money is actually kept in the institution to pay for deposit demands). The reality is that this is a system that is only stable if people don’t demand their money in drastic numbers. It is entirely a banker’s fraud designed to give the banker cheap credit. The lie has just been repeated so much that we don’t bother to question it. There should be on demand accounts and interest bearing accounts. Accounts where we get the money back at any time and accounts where the money is locked up for a while but we get paid interest. Frankly we are de facto there on the interest rate perspective because banks pay nearly nothing on savings/checking/cd accounts. They just don’t bother to protect our assets.

    So, by all means follow the FDIC limits. But don’t for a moment think that doing that guarantees you anything other than that if the FDIC is able to follow its policies, and chooses to do so, you will be protected. If this crisis gets too big, and they can’t or choose not to, out of luck

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