
Funny Little Smile

I told my dad a few months back about my goal of getting debt free, and at the time, I could tell that he was relly pulling for me and that he was proud that I was doing so well. I saw him tonite and we all went out to eat. I whispered to him, “1000 left, that’s all” and he just turned his head and gave me this funny little smile. I could tell that he was really, really happy for me. My dad and I are very close, and he is the coolest guy ever. He is such a good dad and grand-dad. But, he has never really focused on his finances. He works hard, but he will always be a pay-check to pay-check kinda guy. It’s been cool talking to him a bit about money, since it’s something we rarely talked about when I was a kid. One of the coolest things he ever said to me, a few months ago, was, “Son, you are a good dad to your kids, and I am glad that you can talk to them the way that you can…” This was cool to hear, especially from my dad.

So, if you are a dad out there, young or old, start or continue talking to your children. I am almost 31 years old, and I still love hearing positive things from my dad. I have a new motivation for being debt free and saving piles of cash. I want to be able to help my dad retire and have some nice things when he gets older.

I am sappy…

Oh yeah, I had an email about my grocery price book…
Are any of you interested in seeing it? Would you like for me to post some of it here? If so, just let me know and I’ll share my method for getting the best prices…

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