Debt Reduction, Motivation, Noted

Some Debt Reduction Celebrations

It’s time to celebrate some debt reduction.  Let’s go!

No Credit Needed Network member My Money Memoirs recently eliminated all credit card debt.  Congratulations!

Another NCN Network member, Time4planB, reached a personal milestone and is at lowest debt level this decade.  Great job!

My Money Minute recently paid off all consumer debt.  My Money Minute shared this good news with me via Twitter.  If you have a Twitter account, follow me and we can hang out!

It’s always inspiring to find folks who are reducing debt and changing their lives.  To all of those mentioned above, and the thousands who are fighting the good fight, You Rock!

If you have had some recent debt reduction success, feel free to share it with us.  Leave a comment and let us know about your progress.

3 thoughts on “Some Debt Reduction Celebrations

  1. Praise the Lord for awakening me to the necessity of becoming debt free to better serve him.

    Proverbs 22:7 says, “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender”

    After just starting my debt reduction march in January of this year, I have started and am on course to make a $22,000 debt/savings turn around just in the first year!

    I have some charts on my site to help everyone easily follow my progress…check it out!


  2. Thanks NCN, and congrats to My Money Memoirs & Time4PlanB on their accomplishments. It’s good to hear some good news for a change!

    In April, we should snowball one of our smaller student loans. We keep our noses to the grindstone and keep working away at it. The payoff is worth it!

  3. That’s just awesome. Every time I hear about another person doing what I’m trying to do, it makes me think I can do it too.

    I myself have hit the 50% mark weeks ahead of schedule!

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