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Real Life

Dear Reader,

I usually reserve this space for articles about personal finance. Tonight, however, I would like to share with you the story of a young man who lives in our local community. His name is Steven and he was involved in an accident Thursday afternoon. He is currently in the hospital. It would be unfair to him and his family to disclose too many details, but the reality is that Steven’s situation can only be defined as “critical”. Steven is 13 years old. His mom is a member of our church. We live in a rather small county and Steven is well known and well thought of. He is a quiet, loving, unassuming kid. So, while I usually focus on personal finance, I wanted to share Steven’s story with you. For those of you who believe in prayer, I’d humbly ask that you say a prayer for Steven, his two sisters, and his parents. I have spent the better part of the last 2 days at the hospital, doing my best to help Steven’s family through this difficult period. Blogging, obviously, must take a backseat to “real life”. Again, if you believe in prayer, please say a prayer (or two) for Steven and his family.

In Christ and His Grace,

Jason (NCN)

(By the way, I’m still fiddling with the site design. I prefer a 3 column theme, but I cannot find one that I really, really like.)

5 thoughts on “Real Life

  1. Prayers for Steven.
    Yes, real life always trumps blogging. If it didn’t, that would be a shame.
    Take all the time you need. We’ll be here (unless, of course, real life gets in the way)

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