Budget, Cash, Money Management

Structure And Freedom

Over the years I have learned the true value of creating structure and following a routine.  My wife and I use the following structured systems to control spending, plan for saving, and manage our finances. Monthly Calendar – Each month we sit down and plan out that month’s events and scheduled activities.  We brainstorm and try to be thorough.  We…

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Getting One Month Ahead

One of the things that I disliked the most about life pre-No Credit Needed was the pressure of living paycheck-to-paycheck. Prior to getting serious about managing our finances, I struggled, always living on that fine line between just-enough and flat-broke.  One of the joys of my current lifestyle is that I have broken the cycle of paycheck-to-paycheck. Before I proceed,…

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Budget, Frugality

Firmly Standing On The Middle Ground

As I sat down tonight to work on our budget for February – using the awesome You Need A Budget – I noticed something:  I stand rather firmly on the middle ground.  Allow me to explain – There are some folks who choose to live without television.  There are some folks who pay for every possible channel. I have basic…

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