
How I Live Without Borrowing Money

As the credit crunch continues, more and more people are learning to adjust to life without credit.  It’s been four years since I borrowed money or used a credit card.  Here’s how I live without borrowing money. Budget – I live on a budget.  My wife and I receive monthly paychecks and I receive irregular income from various sources.  I…

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Budget, Money Management

How Free Spirits And Money Nerds Can Help Each Other Out

Chances are, if you are reading this article, you are the money nerd in your family.  You spend hours thinking about how to fund your retirement.  You balance your checkbook – to the penny.  You create a detailed, down-to-the-last-dollar budget.  You work hard to save money and you are focused on the future. In my family, I’m the money nerd. …

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The Financial Impact Of The New Baby

Back in April, my wife gave birth to our third child, a beautiful baby girl.  Prior to the birth, I wrote about some changes that we were making to our budget, to prepare for life with the new baby. I made some predictions, based on what I thought we might have to deal with, once the new baby arrived.  Let’s…

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