I will be hosting next week’s Carnival of Personal Finance. If you are new to “Personal Finance Blogging” you might want to check out this week’s Carnival of Personal Finance hosted at Tired But Happy. Basically, a blog carnival is a collection of posts, about a specific topic, organized and presented by a host-blog. I have hosted all three of…
Category: This Week’s Carnivals
Carnivals Up!
The Carnival of Debt Reduction, hosted by me, is over at the No Credit Needed Podcast site. Check it out! There are links and audio! The Carnival of Personal Finance, hosted by Nickel, is over at FiveCentNickel. Checkt it out! (But, only AFTER you check out my carnival 🙂 )
NCN Podcast Will Host Carnival of Debt Reduction
The No Credit Needed Podcast will be hosting next week’s Carnival of Debt Reduction. The NCN Podcast is celebrating it’s one year of existence. If you would like to submit an article, please follow this link and submit via Blog Carnival. If you are new to podcasting or blog carnivals, let me give you a little additional information: Podcasting: A…