1. Live on a budget and plan for future purchases. If you are going to live without borrowing money, you will need to save for future purchases. Saving for automobiles, furniture, and appliances requires a lot of discipline and a lot of planning. The debt free life is awesome, but it does require that you spend some time mapping out…
Category: Debt Free
Four Years Without A Car Payment
I was sifting through some old paperwork today, and I stumbled across an old letter from our bank. It was dated September 8, 2005. I was pleased to see that it was a notice from our bank, informing us that our car loan had been paid-in-full. I smiled as I put the letter back in its place and then I…
Great News – My Parents Are Debt Free!
I have some awesome news that I want to share with you guys. My parents are debt free! I just got off the phone with my Dad, and he was so excited. For more than two years, my Dad has been focused on paying off his mortgage. Month after month, he made his regular payments, and then used every, extra…