Emergency Fund

Emergency Fund Invasion

Well, well, well. Things were going so very, very well. And then? And then? We had an emergency. A 1000 dollar emergency. We actually had 2 emergencies. One involved a medical need, the other involved an automobile repair. So, I had to dig into the 13K in our emergency fund. I am very, very thankful that we HAVE the emergency…

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Emergency Fund

On Pace To Save 20,000 By Goal Date!

If you will check this post over at the NCN Network page, you will see that I have saved 13,000 dollar since February 27, 2006. My goal, starting in February, was to save 20,000 dollars by October 10, 2006. So far, I am on pace to meet my goal (and maybe even exceed it!) Here’s the breakdown: Days Between Feb…

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Emergency Fund

Back From a Week Off…Emergency Fund

Okay…so, I was gone for a week with a camp for some local kids. We had a great time and we are exhausted. So, quick update before we get some much needed shut-eye. We had a major emergency this past week with our mini-van. Something broke under the hood, and it cost 600 dollars to fix. In the past, we…

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