Family, Insurance

Meeting With Our Lawyer Wednesday – Updating Our Wills

My wife and I have two children and another baby on the way.  We both have wills – but we are taking our wills to our lawyer Wednesday so that he can look them over and make any changes or improvements that might be necessary.  We will also be discussing other “end-of-life” documents that we might need.  After our meeting…

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Family, Motivation

Preparing For The Birth Of A New Baby

Well, well. If you read my last post, then you know our good news. My wife and I are going to have another baby. He/She is due in April. We’ve spent the past three days telling our friends and family. We are so very, very excited. My daughter, 7, wants the baby to be born NOW. My son, 3, wants…

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We Are Going To Have Another Baby!!!

I have some great news. My wife and I are going to have another baby! The baby is due in April, so I’m sure I’ll be doing a lot of blogging about “baby stuff” between now and then. Our daughter is 7 and our son is almost 4, and they’re both really excited about the idea of having a baby…

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