Emergency Fund, Goals, Savings

Updating My Non-Retirement Savings Chart

One of my goals for 2008 is to rebuild my non-retirement savings. In 2007, we purchased a new-to-us minivan and in early 2008, we had a new baby (and purchased several baby-related items). These expenses worked together to dramatically reduce our non-retirement savings and I’ve been working diligently to rebuild them. I just made a transfer from my primary checking…

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Confession Time: I Lost My Focus And I Am Ready To Get It Back

Every day, I write about personal finance. Every day, I think about personal finance. Every day, I check my blog stats, link to my fellow personal finance writers, answer emails from readers, and think about ways to motivate, inform, and inspire. But, recently, I haven’t been focusing on my own finances. I’ve been paying my bills and funding my retirement…

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2007 – No Credit Needed Year-End Review (November)

2007 was an amazing year for me, NCN, and my site, No Credit Needed. I thought that it would be fun to take a month-by-month tour through my favorite posts from the last year. If you are a new reader, I hope these posts will give your a sense of who I am, where I’ve come from, and where I’m…

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