Money Management

Dedicate 7 Hours For Healthier Finances – Hour 7

The goal: Dedicate 1 hour a day, for 7 days, and improve the health of our finances. Hour 7 (00:00 – 50:00) Insurance Brainstorm – Do I have enough life insurance? Should I consider switching from whole life to term life? Does my spouse have enough life insurance? Should we consider an insurance rider for our child or children? Do…

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Money Management

Dedicate 7 Hours For Healthier Finances – Hour 6

The goal: Dedicate 1 hour a day, for 7 days, and improve the health of our finances. Hour 6 (00:00 – 60:00) Create a Career Portfolio Locate, organize, copy, and store important education-related documents, including diplomas and certifications. Locate, organize, copy, and store important work-related documents, including commendations, awards, and acknowledgments. Locate, organize, copy, and store important community-related documents, including…

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Money Management

Dedicate 7 Hours For Healthier Finances – Hour 5

The goal: Dedicate 1 hour a day, for 7 days, and improve the health of our finances. Hour 5 (00:00 – 60:00) Establish an emergency fund – While we were getting out of debt, our emergency fund was limited to $2000. After getting out of debt, we increased the amount of money in our emergency fund to six months’ worth…

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