Money Management

Dedicate 7 Hours For Healthier Finances – Hour 1

The goal: Dedicate 1 hour a day, for 7 days, and improve the health of our finances. Hour 1: (00:00 – 15:00) Calculate how much money we actually have – Non-Retirement Balance Checking Account(s) Savings Account(s) CD(s) Cash Etc. Total Retirement 401(k) / 403(b) Roth IRA IRA(s) Pension(s) Etc. Totals Hour 1: (15:00 – 30:00) Calculate how much money we…

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Money Management

How I Get Back On Track After A Busy Month

Did you ever have one of those months?  Yes?  Well, I’ve just had one.  The only way to describe how busy I’ve been is to say this – I have stopped trying to take a day off.  Nope.  Now, I simply try to find the time to eat lunch – seated – at a real table, instead of eating while…

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Budget, Money Management

How Free Spirits And Money Nerds Can Help Each Other Out

Chances are, if you are reading this article, you are the money nerd in your family.  You spend hours thinking about how to fund your retirement.  You balance your checkbook – to the penny.  You create a detailed, down-to-the-last-dollar budget.  You work hard to save money and you are focused on the future. In my family, I’m the money nerd. …

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