I did something today that I’ve never done before – I filed an amended tax return. Back in March, I filed my taxes but didn’t claim the first-time homebuyer credit. Armed with the proper paperwork, forms, and software, it took, literally, 10 minutes to amend the return. According to the IRS website, returns claiming the first-time homebuyer credit must be…
Category: Mortgage
First Extra Principal Payment Has Been Sent
A few days ago, I made my very first mortgage payment. It felt so good, today, when I logged on to our mortgage company’s website and saw that the payment has posted. It felt not-so-good to see just how much of our payment was applied to interest – and how little was applied to principal. If I continue to make…
The Plan Of Attack – How I Plan To Pay Off My Mortgage Early
My wife and recently purchased our first home. Here is my plan to pay off our 15 year mortgage in 10 years – or less! Opening Fire – We will us online bill pay to make our regular, monthly mortgage payments. I have already scheduled for our monthly payment to be sent from our bank to our mortgage company on…