
Ever Want To…

Forget about your budget plans and splurge on something that you don’t really, really need? Buy a 50 Inch HDTV, even though you only watch about 3 hours of television a week, just because they are soooo pretty? Eat and eat and eat, even when you are not hungry, because you are: bored, tired, frustrated, happy, celebrating, stressed, etc… etc……

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Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your responsibilities? Right now I am slammed with work to do, blog to update, podcast to record, network to administer, job to do, kids to take care of, friends to call, and, to top it off, my wife has strep-throat! Whew… I have found that whenever I get “loaded down” with stuff to do,…

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You are a MACHINE…

Wow, I was super impressed by a comment left by Hazzard concerning my progress. It is great to be “validated” by someone. So, I thought I would list a few “secrets of my success.” 1. Pay off the smallest balance first, this gets things rolling. 2. Get your spouse involved. This is an absolute key. 3. (Nut-job Christian alert) Give.…

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