Product: Commercial: Sierra Mist Free Impact: Pretty Funny commercial featuring a “beard-comb-over” and a dude in shorty shorts. Information: Limited. Will I buy? Not based on this commercial. Would I remember this commercial? Best commercial so far, but nothing memorable. Was this commercial a waste of money? Ehhh.. Overall Commercial Grade: C+
Category: Nevermind
Super Bowl Commercial Review #4: Blockbuster
Product: Blockbuster Commercial: Cute commercial with animated animals in a pet shop, using a “mouse” to order movies. Impact: Kinda funny. Maybe my daughter (who’s 7) would find it funny? Information: You can rent movies online or in-store, for “one low price”, but NO PRICE WAS GIVEN! Silly. Will I buy? Probably not. Would I remember this commercial? No Was…
Super Bowl Commercial Review #3: Doritos
Product: Doritos Commercial: Dorky guy and cute girl both eating chips. He waves at her and gets in fender bender. She trips coming to his aide. Impact: Negligible Information: Idiots eat Doritos? Seriously, they paid MILLIONS of dollars to air this? Will I buy? No Would I remember this commercial? No Was this commercial a waste of money? Yes Overall…