
Back In The Saddle – Plus A Stroll Through My Blogroll

Thursday evening, I went to the movies.  I saw No Country For Old Men.  I loved the movie.  (When the movie was over, half of the audience booed because they hated the ending – the other half clapped!  Awesome.) I’m ready to get back to blogging – but first, let’s take a quick stroll through the best posts from last…

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Interesting Reads – A Stroll Through My Blogroll

Here are a few of this week’s best articles from the Money Blog Network: AllFinancialMatters asks “Should we give $500 to every newborn?“. Blueprint computes whether using a 401K to save for a house is better than using  a regular brokerage account. Consumerism Commentary has 10 easy ways to save money. Nickel writes about Zecco – a company that let’s…

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