
Mad Carpentry Skills (Roof, Door, Windows)

It’s been over a month since I’ve written anything about the playhouse that I’m building for my kids. Why? Well, for one thing, I’ve had very, very little about which to write! I’ve been so busy at my job that I haven’t had time to work on the playhouse. But today, the last day of my vacation, I managed to…

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Amazon To Sell DRM-Free Music

I’m a big fan of iTune’s, but I’ve never liked the fact that songs purchased via iTunes can only be synced with an iPod. Word out today is that Amazon is preparing a “DRM-free” music store that will allow users to download music and transfer that music to any mp3 player, including iPods, Zunes, iRiver devices, etc. The details of…

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Noted, Press

Consumerist, Site Changes, Subscribe To NCN

I came home from lunch to a pleasant surprise. The Consumerist linked to my article about selling baby clothes on eBay. Traffic really began to spike around 9AM Eastern. I’d like to thank the good folks over at The Consumerist for the link-love. If you’re a longtime No Credit Needed reader, you’ll note that I’ve made massive changes to the…

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