
Dave Ramsey Rocks! (Even IF He Is Bad At Math)

My good friend, Nickel, is celebrating the second anniversary of his blog, Five Cent Nickel. Nickel is giving away several prizes, including a personal finance book, a couple of iPods, and a box of bricks! I am a huge fan of Nickel’s work and I suggest that you bookmark his site. (Click through the “March Madness” posts over at Free…

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Noted, Resources

How I Get Dave Ramsey To Talk To Me

I am a huge fan of Dave Ramsey and the Dave Ramsey radio show! (In fact, if you go back and read my first post, you’ll see that I was inspired by Dave to begin this blog.) I have talked to Dave on four different occasions. (Now, before you get the wrong “idea”, I’ve never actually had a one-on-one conversation…

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Money Management, Noted

Online Billpay “Issues” (Or, Why Wachovia Disappointed Me Today…)

I have been a Wachovia customer for more than seven years. In the past, I have been pleased with their service and the people who work at the local branch in my area are super-nice. Today, Wachovia (actually, four of Wachovia’s customer service representatives) disappointed me. Here’s the story: I scheduled an online billpay transaction using Wachovia’s billpay interface. I…

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