David Beckham is reportedly getting 250,000,000 dollars to play soccer in the United States. If David were to give the parents of 5,000 kindergarten students 50,000 a piece, and those parents were to invest that 50,000 dollars at a conservative rate of 8%, that 50,000 dollars would grow to almost 140,000 dollars in 12 years. It is conceivable that David…
Category: Noted
NCN Gets A Raise
I got a 2.45% raise for 2007. This was a bit more than I expected. (I got a pretty substantial raise last year, and was not expecting a raise this year.) So, what will I do with the “windfall”? I’ll not “do” anything with it, other than incorporate it into my standard budget. Yay for me!
5 Things You Didn’t Know About NCN
I’ve been “tagged” by My Open Wallet. Thanks MOW! 1. I cannot write in cursive. (I left my regular class for “Gifted” during the time when my fellow classmates were learning to write cursive. So, I learned about presidents, planets, and chemisty. But, I can’t hand write a pretty note.) 2. I’ve never been further west than Alabama. Seriously. 3.…