
David Beckham Could Send 5,000 Kids To College

David Beckham is reportedly getting 250,000,000 dollars to play soccer in the United States.  If David were to give the parents of 5,000 kindergarten students 50,000 a piece, and those parents were to invest that 50,000 dollars at a conservative rate of 8%, that 50,000 dollars would grow to almost 140,000 dollars in 12 years.  It is conceivable that David…

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NCN Gets A Raise

I got a 2.45% raise for 2007. This was a bit more than I expected. (I got a pretty substantial raise last year, and was not expecting a raise this year.) So, what will I do with the “windfall”? I’ll not “do” anything with it, other than incorporate it into my standard budget. Yay for me!


5 Things You Didn’t Know About NCN

I’ve been “tagged” by My Open Wallet. Thanks MOW! 1. I cannot write in cursive. (I left my regular class for “Gifted” during the time when my fellow classmates were learning to write cursive. So, I learned about presidents, planets, and chemisty. But, I can’t hand write a pretty note.) 2. I’ve never been further west than Alabama. Seriously. 3.…

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