I have noticed an up tick in visitors to my site, so I thought it was time for a reader poll. This week’s poll is pretty simple – Are You Debt Free? After you vote, take a minute to share your story – How did you get out of debt? How are you getting out of debt? Have you given…
Category: Polls
I Just Threw Away $25 Worth Of Food – How Do I Keep Food Fresh?
I hate when I open the refrigerator and find spoiled food. A week or so ago, I purchased a couple of cantaloupes, an extra gallon of milk, and some chicken breasts. This morning, while getting ready to go to the grocery store, I opened the refrigerator, to see what we needed, and as I was going through the various drawers…
Reader Poll: Do You Have A Credit Card?
I am interested in how many of you have credit cards. I assume that most of you have them and that quite a few of you use them, but I recently meet three people who do not have and have never had a credit card. So, I thought I’d open up a reader poll and ask you: {democracy:6}