Well, most folks list the things that they have done to save money. Here are some things that I have not done, but could do, but will not do, because I don’t want to. 1. Use cloth diapers instead of disposable. I am sorry, but that’s just gross. 2. No more satellite t.v. Come on, I gots to have my…
Category: Random Thoughts
It was 99 degrees today where we live. 99 degrees. September 18, and the temperature was 99 degrees. Yes, 99 degrees. In blog news, I have started a new “feature” here on the old ncnblog. If you check the upper portion of the right-hand column, you will see the “Posts of the Day” feature. I will list various posts from…
10 Things I Want
Okay, Here is my list of “stuff” I’d like to own after I am debt free. Will I buy these things? Hmmm..some, yes and some, no. I will make those decisions AFTER I am debt free. But, I thought I ‘d list them here (in case ya want to send me something someday..hehe). 1. Ipod Nano (These things just LOOK…