Random Thoughts

Open Letter to ABC Sports

Alright, I know that this is a personal finance blog…but I need to get this off my chest. I am a “huge” football fan, but I was sickened by the opening of Monday Night Football tonight. So mad, in fact, that I emailed the following letter to both abc and to espn. I post it here for all to read.…

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Random Thoughts

RANT 3! Gas Is NOT That Expensive

Well, I have heard just about all the complaining I want to hear about the price of gas. Here is the deal. Do you have 20 bucks in your wallet? If you were thirsty, could you find a clean glass of water? If you wanted to stay up and read a book tonight, could you flick a switch and have…

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Random Thoughts

Rant Number 2…Where I Get Angry At My Bank!

Hmm…Well, I received a strange note from the old bank today, stating that my account was, get this, PAST DUE! Say what. This is ridiculous. Not only am I NOT past due, I actually OVER-PAID my bill for 10 bucks last month. What was up? Well, it seams that I sent my first partial payment in “too early” and thus…

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