
Trying To Decrease My Taxes, I Have Opened A SEP-IRA

I have spent the last few hours working on my income tax return.  In an effort to decrease my tax liability for 2007, I have opened a SEP-IRA.  A SEP-IRA (Simplified Employee Pension) can be established and funded by a self-employed owner of a business.  Since ‘No Credit Needed’ managed to make a little money in 2007, I can make…

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Fully-Funded My Roth IRA For 2008

I sent a check to my brokerage today, fully-funding my Roth IRA for 2008.  Even though I have until April of 2009 to fully-fund my Roth, I’ve decided to move in while the market is down and buy some shares of VTI, a total market ETF. My friend Jim from Blueprint For Financial Prosperity has an excellent article about buying…

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