Frugality, Savings

Saving Money: Groceries

I actually enjoy shopping for groceries. But I hate to spend money on groceries. Hmmm… Here’s how I save money when shopping for groceries. (A note to my loyal readers. The ill-fated How Much Do I Use In A Year, as predicted by Five Cent Nickel, is dead in the water. After starting my new weight loss blog, the types…

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Budget, Debt Story, Savings

How I Plan To STAY Out Of Debt

If you are debt free (or you plan to be debt free) then you know the freedom of not having monthly debt payments. But, your goal isn’t just to GET debt free, your goal is to STAY debt free. Here’s my plan for living a debt-free life: (First, a word about retirement: I save for retirement in my 403b account.…

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Cash, Savings

Joining A Gym: The Financial Impact

If you’ve been reading my newest blog, No. Calories Needed, the you know that I recently joined a local gym.  (And if you haven’t been reading my newest blog, get to it!  You know you want to!  See if I can do with my fat what I did with my debt.  Get rid of it!)  The gym offers a discount…

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