33 Days, Frugality, Savings

Day 1 Of 33 Days And 33 Ways To Save Money And Reduce Debt : Eliminate Fees

Click here to read all of the 33 Days And 33 Ways To Save Money And Reduce Debt posts. Day 1 : Eliminate Fees Check your last bank statement.  Are you paying an account maintenance fee?  How about ATM-related fees?  Are you paying for banking services that you aren’t using?  Do you have a savings account with a minimum-balance requirement? …

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Emergency Fund, Polls, Savings

Reader Poll: Short-Term Savings

I’m interested in knowing, “How much money do you keep in short-term savings?”, but the more I think about that question, the more difficult it becomes to define “short-term savings”. So, I’m asking you to do two things. First, take a second to answer the poll question and second, leave a comment and let me know your idea of “short-term…

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