Resources, Slowing Down

Garden Planning

It’s almost Spring – which means it’s time for a bit of garden planning. This year, I’m keeping things very, very simple: I am going to plant vegetables that do well in our climate and are relatively easy to care for. I am going to use a single raised-bed for the garden.  In the past, I’ve started out with several…

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Frugality, Slowing Down

See Your Life And Save Money

A few weeks ago, two huge trees were removed from the property directly behind our house.  The trees were massive oaks, 100+ years old.  Unfortunately, both were diseased and had to come down. After the trees were felled, I noticed something.  Right next to both trees, “hidden” in plain sight, were four smaller trees – all ready to leaf-out for…

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Budget, Slowing Down

Monthly Money Plan

As part of my ongoing efforts to Simplify. Everything. – I have reworked our monthly money plan. Our monthly money plan details our strategies for managing our household finances.  The money plan is very similar to a budget – but it also incorporates the use of a calendar and a filing system. I like for things to be organized.  Our…

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