Debt Story

You want a post? You can’t handle a POST!

I was able to make a 330 dollar payment yesterday towards the last debt, bringing my total owed to 2660, and my percent paid to slightly more than SEVENTY SIX! Yay! Check out this week’s carnivals. Links are at the top right-hand side of the old blog. Some blog dorkiness: I searched for “no credit needed” on both Yahoo and…

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You are a MACHINE…

Wow, I was super impressed by a comment left by Hazzard concerning my progress. It is great to be “validated” by someone. So, I thought I would list a few “secrets of my success.” 1. Pay off the smallest balance first, this gets things rolling. 2. Get your spouse involved. This is an absolute key. 3. (Nut-job Christian alert) Give.…

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Random Thoughts

All The…Small Things

I am just kinda treading water these past few days. So, here is a quick update/summary of the past few weeks, and where I am at. Credit: Total balance down to 2990, now spread across 2 credit cards, one with 990, the other with 2000. Both at zero percent. New goal of January 13, 2006… I set the goal back…

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