Debt Story

10 Days Left

I have 10 days to magically find almost 4000 dollars. Hmmm, I DOUBT that is going to happen, but, if anyone out there would like to advertise on my blog, I am willing to listen to your offers. How about 1 years worth of prime blog space for 4000 bucks? How does that sound. Seriously. I am not kidding. I…

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Find A Human

This is cool. This link goes to a site that will help you get in touch with a “real” person when calling cell companies, insurance companies, etc. Pretty cool. Find A Human

Debt Story

I Am An Idiot…YAY!

Okay, completely forget the last post. Somehow, I actually paid MORE towards my credit card debt last month than I originally figured. (I send in so many little payments, I forgot to add one to my spread-sheet.) So, I am actually a little closer to my goals than I originally thought. Here are the updated totals. Account 04/16/05 Paid So…

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