This Week's Carnivals

Learn To Be Debt Free…Carnival of Debt Reduction

Hi, Welcome to the second ever Carnival of Debt Reduction. Below, you will find posts from a variety of different personal finance bloggers. (PFBloggers for short). Click around, and I think you will find some very useful information about credit, credit scores, and getting out of debt. Thanks for stopping by. First, check out this post at Fighting Debt …

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Off Topic

Where’s The Cake?

Alright, we are DOWN TO THE WIRE. If you would like to be included in next week’s Carnival of Debt Reduction…Get your posts in NOW. Quick question for all the pf bloggers out there? Do any of you know of a podcast dealing with debt reduction? If so, hook me up with a link. (I know Dave Ramsey makes one…

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Debt Story

On The Road Again…

Well, I was able to put just a tiny bit towards our debt this week. I scratched and clawed and found 100 bucks more. This makes my totals look like this: Account 04/16/05 Paid So Far 09/23/05 Auto 1 2656.33 2656.33 00.00 Auto 2 3255.23 3255.23 00.00 C Card 5598.66 222.14 5376.52 Totals 11510.22 6133.70 5376.52 So, I now owe…

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