Random Thoughts


It was 99 degrees today where we live. 99 degrees. September 18, and the temperature was 99 degrees. Yes, 99 degrees. In blog news, I have started a new “feature” here on the old ncnblog. If you check the upper portion of the right-hand column, you will see the “Posts of the Day” feature. I will list various posts from…

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Random Thoughts

10 Things I Want

Okay, Here is my list of “stuff” I’d like to own after I am debt free. Will I buy these things? Hmmm..some, yes and some, no. I will make those decisions AFTER I am debt free. But, I thought I ‘d list them here (in case ya want to send me something someday..hehe). 1. Ipod Nano (These things just LOOK…

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Debt Reduction

Simple Debt Reduction Strategies

Here are my simple debt reduction strategies: Gather ALL of your debt information. (This can include your mortgage, or not, depending on if you want to pay it off early or not.) List TOTAL AMOUNTS OWED for each account. List FINANCE RATE next to each account. Example Account Balance Rate Auto Loan 15000 6.00% Visa 6000 12.00% Master Card 5000…

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