Debt Story


Well, I just feel “stuck.” I know that I will be able to pay-off my complete debts by the end of this year, but I just do not see how I am going to make my 10/10/2005 deadline. We just do not make enough income. Seriously, my wife has one more check of roughly 2200 bucks at the end of…

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10 Things You Can Do TODAY To Change Your Finances!

Alright, advice time. Here are 10 things you can do TODAY that can radically change your financial present and future. 1. Get organized. Go through that stack of bills, clean out your filing cabinet, balance your check book. GO…DO IT RIGHT NOW! 2. If you do not have free online bill pay, get it now. At 12 bills per month,…

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Quick Update To Previous Post

***Well, I managed to change the oil in the old F150*** Cost Oil: 6 dollars Filter 3 dollars Time: 1 Hour (WHY?) Because the stupid oil cap broke when I unscrewed it.. Replacement Cap: 5 dollars Total cost: 14 bucks Well, I could have taken it somewhere locally, but I enjoyed getting the old hands dirty. I don’t think I…

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