Hey, check out the Carnival of Personal Finance over at Frugal for Life. Great collection of posts from various personal finance bloggers. Well, the wheels on this bus have slowed to a crawl. I am still moving forward, and will make some form of debt re-payment Monday or Tuesday, but there is no way that I can manage the 100…
Simple Simple Simple
Okay, I received an email about my budgeting system. Now, I know that several personal finance bloggers post their actual budgets, but I am not going to do that. I am going to post a very simple, 2 column budget, assuming a 1000 dollar take home. I will use 50 dollars in each category. This IS NOT an actual budget.…
Step Away From The…
Hey all, a quick thanks for all of the positive vibes I have received. I am over my “I want to quit” junk, and will get back to business. What, pray tell, did I do to get over my bad mood? Well, I ditched the junk food, ate a bunch of fruit and grilled chicken, and went for a good…