Debt Story

What’s Time To A Hog

Hey, check out the Carnival of Personal Finance over at Frugal for Life. Great collection of posts from various personal finance bloggers. Well, the wheels on this bus have slowed to a crawl. I am still moving forward, and will make some form of debt re-payment Monday or Tuesday, but there is no way that I can manage the 100…

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Simple Simple Simple

Okay, I received an email about my budgeting system. Now, I know that several personal finance bloggers post their actual budgets, but I am not going to do that. I am going to post a very simple, 2 column budget, assuming a 1000 dollar take home. I will use 50 dollars in each category. This IS NOT an actual budget.…

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Debt Story

Step Away From The…

Hey all, a quick thanks for all of the positive vibes I have received. I am over my “I want to quit” junk, and will get back to business. What, pray tell, did I do to get over my bad mood? Well, I ditched the junk food, ate a bunch of fruit and grilled chicken, and went for a good…

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