Debt Reduction

An Ebaying We Shall Go

Well, with all of the extra expenses coming our way, we hit the closets and found some really nice things to auction off. We should easily make about 500 bucks from these things, and that should pay for most of the medical stuff. I “hope” that with the raise my wife will get in September, and an expected small bonus…

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State Sales Tax Holidays For 2005

Here is a chart of the upcoming State Sales Tax Holidays for 2005 State Dates Florida July 23 � 31 Georgia July 28 � 31 Iowa Aug. 5 � 6 Missouri Aug. 5 � 7 New Mexico Aug. 5 � 7 North Carolina Aug. 5 � 7 South Carolina Aug. 5 � 7 Texas Aug. 5 � 7 Washington D.C.…

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And BOOM Goes The Dynamite

Well, our debt re-payment took a serious hit last night… And I am not bummed a bit. Why? Because, we had to rush out little one to the hospital with an extremely high temperature, and we were so scared that something major was wrong with him. Come to find out, just a simple ear infection, with a strange “spike” in…

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