Okay, I spend a ton of time searching the web for bargains. I visit sites like fatwallet.com, bargainshare.com, xpbargains.com and dealnews.com. These sites have tons of great links for bargains, deals, freestuff, and forums for sharing money-saving ideas. However, here are a few things that I have done recently to save money on monthly, on-going expenses. Unlimited long distance for…
Less Than Three Thousand
Wow, it’s been awhile. Sorry for the delay in posting, I have been gone to various camps with kids from our church, and have been out of touch with the “real” world. It is during hectic times like this that I am so glad for auto-bill-pay services from our bank and auto-drafts for other bills. In the past, being gone…
Back From a Week Off…Emergency Fund
Okay…so, I was gone for a week with a camp for some local kids. We had a great time and we are exhausted. So, quick update before we get some much needed shut-eye. We had a major emergency this past week with our mini-van. Something broke under the hood, and it cost 600 dollars to fix. In the past, we…